Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Plants for a dry garden

On the east coast where I am the soil is very light and sandy.
My garden looks fine in spring and autumn but by the end of June
it is struggling. Tall plants flop, roses which I love, struggle.
I find that plants like hardy salvias, oriential poppies, and lavenders come into their own.
One of my favourites at this time of year is the grey leaved, pink flowered, Phlomis italica,
which has spread over four or five feet of a very dry border.

Lavender stoechas pendunculata also does brilliantly and is covered in bees for most of the day. I have other types of stoechas lavender, but I think pendunculata is my favourite.

Luckily, the oriential poppies wait until they have flowered before flopping over into the border.
I have the white 'Royal Wedding', the oddly coloured 'Pattie's Plum', the brilliant scarlet 'Beauty of Livermore' and 'Cedric Morris' (pictured)
Hardy salvias are also excellent for a dry garden, favourite varities include pratensis 'Sloper' (pink), sylvestris 'May Night' deep purple blue, and verticillata 'Purple Rain', these plants are also loved by bees.
I think the way to be happiest in a garden is to grow what is suitable, and forget even trying unsuitable plants, or give them a try once just to see, sometimes you get a pleasant surprise,
and something will grow against the odds, guess that's part of the joy of gardening!

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